Saturday, March 18, 2017

Saying One Thing, Doing Another and Fooling the People

I had prepared to write a post about judging others, but almost 500 words into it, it wasn’t going anywhere. I still have it saved on my computer, so maybe I will clean it up someday and post it, but not today.

Let’s talk politics.

I am curious why people who call themselves Christians, and claim America is a “Christian nation,” can support politicians who think it is okay to cut funding to hungry, poor children and elderly people? It is literally everything Jesus preached against and did.

When a multitude of people went to hear Jesus speak, a story in Luke 9:12-17 which we know as “the feeding of the 5,000,” the very first thing he did was make sure people were fed. He didn’t admonish those gathered for not bringing their own food and let them do without, but instead, he instructed the disciples to gather the food they had brought, which amounted to two fishes and five loaves of bread, and prayed over it. It was then divided and shared with everyone gathered and was able to sated their hunger. He did this before he spoke to them, it wasn’t their reward for hearing him out because he knew they were hungry, but they wanted to stay hear what Jesus had to say.

Let’s look at those actions with what is happening today in America, the richest country in the world. The country which is supposed to be blessed by God, the supposed leaders of the free world. This “Christian nation” is allowing people to go hungry, to be homeless and to go without life sustaining healthcare.

Yeah, I’ve heard the arguments about how it isn’t the government’s responsibility to feed, house and give people healthcare, but I disagree and my reasons why may pop up on this blog in the future. My beef right now is that people who call themselves Christians, which means followers of Christ, do not reflect his values nor practice what he preached.

Christians are supposed to imitate Christ, not demonstrate the hard hearts of the world. Instead, those identifying themselves as the Christian right, many of them in “Evangelical” denominations, keep voting people to office who simply do not reflect Christian values. They may say they are Christians, or conveniently convert during elections…yeah, I’m looking at you Trump, but they do not walk the walk.

In Matthew 7: 15-20, the Bible says to beware of false prophets who dress in sheep’s clothing because they are really hungry wolves. It says we will know these false prophets by their fruits, or actions. If this is true, then we seem to have a lot of false prophets in office.

These people, mostly Republicans, have fooled the masses by saying what people want to hear, but now they are willing to let people die or survive on cat food due to their arrogance. If we are to know them by their actions, I’m not impressed.

They are arrogant, self-important and cruel in their actions and people are falling for it, especially right-wing Christians. Have believers fallen so far they are willing to hurt innocents among them to get their own way or stay in power?

Remember what happened to another city whose people acted in such a manner. If you don’t understand what I’m talking about, go to Ezekiel 16:49.

Jesus said, what you do for the least among you, you do for me. If you believe we are a Christian nation, then America is failing this test.

As always, share your thoughts, but do not share your malevolence. What I consider abusive posts will be deleted.

Saturday, March 11, 2017

Leap of Faith

Today is a day about taking chances and living up to my potential. It is also about breaking out of my self-imposed shell and putting my money where my mouth is. 

This morning, I advised a Facebook friend to not let naysayers and critics and some downright mean people deter her from sharing her opinions about racism, anti-LGBT discrimination, sexism and other subjects she likes to bring up. After all, it’s her space on the Internet and if they don’t like what she is posting, that’s too bad.

Okay, my language may have been slightly saltier than that…but I digress. I happen to think it’s peoples’ guilty consciences which make them be offensive when sharing their opposing opinions because they are angry at themselves for acting badly, but, that is neither here nor there.

I am stepping out as a writer who has been afraid of writing. Doesn’t that seem odd?

I make my living as a web content writer, so I write every day. I also like to go on Twitter and blast my opinions for the world to see. Trust me, I’m not shy there. However, I’ve been hesitant about blogging because I’m not an expert on any one subject, I don’t hold an advanced degree, I’m almost painfully shy, and who am I to share my thoughts with the world?

Self-doubt is a killer of dreams. Fortunately, a guilty conscience can sometimes urge us to do things we might not have otherwise done.

When I think back to “who am I to…,” I remember it was a prostitute, Rahab, who helped the two spies Joshua sent out to scout the area prior to the battle of Jericho. I also remember King David was an ordinary shepherd boy before he was chosen to study alongside Saul.

Mary was an ordinary woman, a young virgin at that, charged with giving birth to the Savior and it was a man murdering Christians who would be converted and become one of the most renown New Testament authors. I remember those people whom God blessed or used in some positive way and I think, why not me?

Now, I’m not saying I’ve been chosen by God to write this blog, 
but ordinary people are given gifts to share with others and writing is one of my gifts. I converted to Catholicism when I was in my mid-20s and the priest at my confirmation had the congregation sing, “This Little Light of Mine.” He had told me to not hide my light under a basket, yet I have, for far too long.

So, here it is. If you read it, grand! I hope you enjoy it and it makes you ponder. Always feel free to leave a comment and share with me as well.
